One obvious and simple example of proactive compliance is when Jointly automatically pulls in the Lead Paint Addendum for homes built before 1978. Ok, so that one is so ingrained in you that you probably weren’t going to miss it anyway. But why should you have to go through the steps of adding it?
Your deal went through three counter offers, a change in lender, and then the inspection turned up a failing septic system. The numbers changed several times, and when the dust finally cleared and everyone was happy, no one updated the Third Party Financing Addendum. Jointly will flag this discrepancy between the One to Four contract and the Financing Addendum—saving you the consequences (and embarrassment) of having this go undetected and possibly causing delays in closing.
Almost everyone has done it. You click the little calendar date picker and you set the closing date for last month. Or, you set it where you wanted to 30 days out, but missed that the date you picked is a holiday. Jointly will proactively prevent these types of issues, too.