Centralized sale and lease transaction management

Offer tasks and checklists
Key offer terms
Document storage
Offer summaries

Scale your rental business alongside your Purchase and Sale operations with ease. Jointly consolidates your Purchase and Sale transactions, leases, and tenant screenings (powered by TransUnion) into one unified system. Enjoy a consistent interface, streamlined eSignature process, and a centralized deal dashboard for all your needs. Whether you're working with clients, the other party, or tenants and landlords, everything is managed in one place.

Effortlessly handle tenant screenings and payments

With Jointly’s integration with TransUnion, tenant screenings are efficient and easy. Applicants pay directly through the platform, and you receive a detailed report to inform your decisions. If you add a markup, it’s automatically processed and deposited into your account.

Keep tabs on your client progress
Required addenda automatically populates
Simply submit your offer to listing agent
Send offer to client for signature
Pre-mapped forms

Assured compliance with official state forms

Offer tasks and checklists
Key offer terms
Document storage
Offer summaries

Like with purchase and sale transactions, Jointly uses official state association leases and other rental-related forms. You can be confident that your documents will always meet state standards. Additionally, check your Errors and Omissions policy—using state-approved forms might even qualify you for a discount.

See Jointly in action

Start managing your clients and transactions with Jointly for free.
real estate software for property managers