Real estate software for realtors
draft real estate forms and send for esignature

Draft real estate forms in minutes and easily send for eSignature

Offer tasks and checklists
Key offer terms
Document storage
Offer summaries

Complete agreements, disclosures, offers, and leases in a matter of minutes. With forms licensed directly from state associations, you can be confident they’re always up to date. Our integrated eSignature process is straightforward, with features like the widely-used “Sign Everywhere” button for added convenience.

offer comparison feature

Make important decisions easier with offer comparison

When representing sellers in a multiple-offer situation, Jointly automatically generates a clear and concise comparison of all offers for you to present to your clients. This streamlined process allows you and your clients easily see key offer terms for informed decision-making.

Keep tabs on your client progress
Required addenda automatically populates
Simply submit your offer to listing agent
Send offer to client for signature
Pre-mapped forms
documents and messaging streamlined

Keep your documents and messages under one digital roof

Offer tasks and checklists
Key offer terms
Document storage
Offer summaries

Stay organized and efficient with Jointly, where all deal-related information is securely stored and easily accessible. Collaborate directly with your clients and counterparts within the platform, ensuring that every document and communication stays within the deal. Whether you're checking on an accepted offer, reviewing completed disclosures, or looking up details from a past transaction, everything you need is conveniently stored in Jointly.

free real estate software

Get started for free, go pro when you need it

Our Starter Plan is available at no cost for individual REALTORS®, offering a fully functional experience to help streamline your business operations. If you need additional features, such as transaction coordinator support, calendar syncing, and a contract timeline view for enhanced transaction management, upgrading to the Pro Plan will provide those capabilities.

Keep tabs on your client progress
Required addenda automatically populates
Simply submit your offer to listing agent
Send offer to client for signature
Pre-mapped forms

See Jointly in action

Start managing your clients and transactions with Jointly for free.
free real estate tool for realtors